Citriodiol® is made by a simple, two step chemical process with low energy use and virtually no waste ensuring agreement with the 12 principles of Green Chemistry identified by the Royal Society of Chemistry and the American Chemical Society:

Waste Prevention

The aqueous phase is reused for the duration of a production run, reducing the waste that has to be sent for chemical treatment.

Atom Economy

Other than water, catalyst and a small amount of neutralizing agent there are no additional compounds added to the reaction.

Less Hazardous Chemical Synthesis

All the chemicals used have been assessed for safety. Only one constituent is assigned a danger warning under CLP and this material is diluted to the point of no classification before use.

Designing Safer Chemical

The toxicity and environmental impact of Citriodiol® has been fully evaluated. It has a  very safe profile.

Safer Solvents and Auxiliaries

We do not use any other solvents or separation agents in order to produce Citriodiol®.

Design for Energy Efficiency

The temperature of the reaction is kept as low as possible. Rather than heating throughout the reaction we use short duration heating only when necessary.

Use of Renewable Feedstocks

The production of the raw material EC oil is fully sustainable.

Reduce Derivatives

No derivitisation is used during production of Citriodiol®.


A catalyst is used in the process in order to lower the activation energy of the reaction and improve the efficiency.

Designing for Degradation

The product is rapidly biodegradable.

Real-time Pollution Prevention

It is important to us to avoid direct discharge of any chemicals to the environment. Waste is treated and we use condensers to capture any volatile material.

Safer Chemistry for Accident Prevention

Citriodiol® is manufactured by well trained industrial professionals following approved procedures.

For more detailed technical information, visit our Technical Product Information page to download a detailed technical data sheet.

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